Thursday 11 December 2008

Swimming Church???

Wed 17th Sept
Rain, rain, go away – we are considering turning the walking church into a swimming church, there has been so much rain – we cancelled one walk earlier in September as the rain was just too heavy. Today we brave the rain, but as pre-school children are coming we stay very local with a short walk around the castle and then to the park for a play, before drinks and biscuits back at my house.

It was a good chance to catch up with each other and support each other – but it was not a theological discussion in any shape or form – I am wondering if reading a traditional story actually works for this group – and if this is what an emerging church is about. The group still don’t like to pray out-loud, and if we are praying at all, it is really talking about the things that are challenging to us, and God being a part of this discussion. What makes a church church? I had hoped that we would meet others when we were walking – and maybe invite others to join us for bacon butties – but this has not happened, and in this weather no-one wants a picnic outdoors! I am not sure if a walking church will actually emerge from this, but we wait to see….

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