Saturday 27 December 2008


We planned a walk for Mon 22nd Dec - with our children. However, our son was ill - so I couldn't make the walk. A shame, as the weather was glorious. We planned to walk between Christmas and New year instead.

This is one of the difficulties of a walking church - or maybe leading anything that is not so regular. It was a shame not to meet up, and I missed the walk, company and conversation. It would have been a great way to prepare our minds for remembering the birth of Christ - surrounded by His creation.

Yesterday, my family and some friends went on a boxing day walk just north of Kendal - I thought it might give a new walk for the Church. It didn't start too well - it felt like we were walking through a rubbish dump - a farm that was not so well kept. It also went quite close to the A6. However, after half a mile or so it was glorious, then half way round we came to the River Sprint - an amazing site. So we sat and had our drinks here.

The walk would be good for adults, but a short part of it goes along the A6 - so not so good for the toddlers.

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