Wednesday 13 August 2008

Levens Park

We had arranged to go to Levens Park, 5 August 2008, but on the morning of the walk one family couldn’t make it due to illness. The walk was beautiful – the best of the three and very easy and safe for the children. The wildlife was amazing, loads of deer, goats, ducks and sheep – all within a couple of metres of where we were walking. We walked towards Levens Bridge and headed down to the river. The older children paddled and swam in the river, and threw stones.

We read Psalm? - thanking God for the gift of children (a new born baby was part of the group). We threw stones into the river to pray for the missing family and to thank God for different things. The children shouted out their thanks and prayers.

1 comment:

Beckie Pickering said...

Hey brec, this is all sounding really good. how are you finding the mix of people? Do people still go to a 'normal' church or are you reaching people outside of the traditional church? Sounding like a great community of believers!