My son was watching as I posted my last blog - and he asked why we hadn't had a story (Bible) on our last walk - I asked if liked hearing stories on our walks, and he does. It was an insight into the way children think - God is with us all the time, not confined to inherited church. I don't think children think of inherited church as being the only place to meet with God - Church as a place to learn about God, worship God and meet with other Christians - this is learnt, with all the pressures to attend inherited church rather than being with God in our natural environments with others. Children have a natural ablility to have God as their friend in all places, they don't need to 'find' God.
That's why we need to be born again to be able to see God in the same way that children do. It's obvious when you think about it that God cannot be confined to a building and has to be experienced everywhere.
Your son has insight and wisdom in knowing God cannot be found - anyway doesn't God find us? Just a thought!
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