Our first walk took us into Serpentine Woods in Kendal on 24 May 2008. The woods have an ‘alphabet trail’, that the children followed, looking for any objects (mostly carved out of wood), that began with the different letters of the alphabet. We took a theme of music, as there are various instruments in the woods. When we stopped for our bacon butties we read the story of Joshua marching round the walls of Jericho, then the trumpets being sounded and the walls of the city collapsing.
The group found it difficult to ‘pray’ – but when we talked about the personal things that we were either worried about or concerned about – it was easy to offer these thoughts to God in prayer.
Everyone enjoyed the walk, though the path was at times a little tricky for the pram. The children enjoyed being together for a walk and most of the group enjoyed the bacon. Not all of the group members would say they believed in God. The morning provided for deepening of friendships and enjoying the outdoors.
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